Our Mission
At Caruso Dental Care, we believe in a clear and honest approach to dental care, placing importance on patient education and on service that leads to improved oral health and an improved life. We desire for our patients to not only feel comfortable in our office and with their treatment, but desire for them to be in control of their dental care and subsequent outcomes. It’s not enough for us to treat tooth decay or give someone a newly found smile. We want to empower our patients with the knowledge necessary to make informed decisions that are best for their own overall health. No two people are the same, so shouldn’t the way we treat each patient be individualized? We were all created unique and special, and it’s our goal to help our patients know that and form a customized treatment approach for every person.
Caruso Dental Care serves families of all ages and people looking to find a home to meet their dental health goals and needs.
Welcoming New Patients to the Family: Contact us to schedule an Appointment